"It's usually like they fuck so hard that they pass out"
It's a throwback of a throwback of a throwback, that almost sounds like an oxymoron, to the days where people fucked their brains out, and did not worry about their public hair!

According to "Trashy" Victorian Porn Researcher, Lorraine Rumson, there is a lot more erotic and paper-thin plot line pornography literature in late Victorian Era from the 1870's-1910's. Rumson believes that a lot of Victorian academics have a sex-negative perception of sex, that is fueled by snobbish elitism.
Rumson also asserts that all Victorian porn was illegal, so there were no limits in where ones fantasy's could lead them. This resulted in a large mixture of sexual activities, and kinks to make the book as voluptuous, and as full of variety as possible, with LOTS of whipping. Whipping was in almost every sex scene, with no patterns of who was doing the whipping, and who was being whipped.
Check out the full interview here!